Keep tenant records with less effort
TenChek makes keeping records on your tenants easy and fast. Know their standing, important contact information, and more. Learn who your tenants are and how best to form a harmonious relationship with them.
Our tenant rental history database is stored securely and complies with all federal and provincial privacy legislation. Tenants provide their landlord with consent to let TenChek record basic activity data, and they will provide future landlords with consent to access that data.
Become a TenChek member to see the complete picture and learn who an applicant is. We gather rental history from other landlords in accordance with all federal and provincial privacy legislation. TenChek's exclusive database gives you information that no credit report can, such as:

- Applicant is currently in good standing
- Departed in good standing
- Left due to a change in management or ownership
- Paid in full after departure
- Departed for unknown reasons
- Pays late
- Is currently in arrears
- Has received noise warning
- Was evicted due to non-arrears issues
- Was evicted due to rental arrears
- Skipped without paying rent
- Had a deposit not fully refunded due to damage or cleaning charges
- Had a judicial order awarded to a landlord
We can also do the leg work and check out an applicant's employment and references, giving you time to manage your units.
Join TenChek today and start getting (and sharing!) the full picture!